Verdener Familienforscher e.V.
  Verdener Familienforscher e.V. Z u f a l l s f u n d e
ein Projekt der Verdener Familienforscher e.V.

zu Auswanderungen nach Baltimore
zu berühmten Persönlichkeiten
zum Untergang der Titanic
am 12. April 1912
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Name: Maria Catharina Gross ()
Herkunftsort: Ingenheim
Schiffsname: Neptune (Schiff)
Abfahrt am in
Zwischenhafen: , Abfahrt:
Ankunft am 04.10.1752 in Philadelphia
Emigrants from the Palatine to the American Colonies in the 18th Century; compiled by Dr. Friedrich Krebs; Edited by Milton Rubincam; Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, Pennsylvania; 1953 --------------------------------------- GROSS, Maria Catharina (born at Ingenheim, 5.X.1721, confirmed 1736, daughter of the tailor Jacob Gross), and Maria Magdalena (b. 12.I.1725, confirmed at Billigheim 1740, daughter of Jacob Gross and his wife, Anna Catharina Fischer). After the girls’ names appears the single word: America. Jacob Gross (presumably the father) arrived on the ship Neptune, 4 Oct. 1752 (S-H I, 494). A Jacob Gross, of Philadelphia, was naturalized in 1765 (PHSL XXIV, 143). It is probable that Frantz Christoff Gross, above, was the son of Jacob, and the brother, therefore, of Maria Catharina and Maria Magdalena.
Fundort: Norristown, Penns.
Quelle: Emigrants from the Palatine to the American Colonies in the 18th Century; compiled by Dr. Friedrich Krebs; Edited by Milton Rubincam; Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, Pennsylvania; 1953 (1953)
Einsteller: Rainer Doerry  Mail

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